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Violin Class

Unleash the potential

Violins are significant instruments in a wide assortment of melodic classifications. They are generally noticeable in the Western old style custom, both in ensembles and as solo instruments. Violins are likewise significant in numerous assortments of folk music, including country music, twang music, and in jazz. Electric violins with strong bodies and piezoelectric pickups are utilized in certain types of awesome music and jazz combination, with the pickups connected to instrument intensifiers and speakers to create sound. The violin was first known in sixteenth century Italy, for certain further alterations happening in the eighteenth and nineteenth hundreds of years to give the instrument an all the more remarkable sound and projection. In Europe, it filled in as the reason for the improvement of other stringed instruments utilized in Western old style music, like the viola.

Western contemporary

The recommended instrument for all the people to start with, Enroll now for western contemporary violin classes in Rock, Pop, classical etc.

Western classical

We recommend the beginner to go with this for easy access, for classical style music classes.

First Violin lesson with Just music School 

Teachers at JMS will demonstrate you how to tune your violin, and go over all of the parts as well as how to care for it during your first lesson. Proper posture and hand positions will be discussed, and you will be introduced to strumming and picking on open strings, as well as possibly learning to strum your first chord!    

Our violin teachers at Just music school use a variety of methods for their students. Because each student's needs and goals are unique, different methods and techniques of music are recommended for each student! Because at JMS we believe Let the Music speak!   

Violin Lessons with us

Students interested in learning how to play the violin and more can enroll in our general Music classes for everyone or grade Domestic & International Plan, exclusive plans from Just music school! 

JMS  offers beginners simple yet effective violin lessons that skip the first level of pad training. For their first lesson, students will learn how to play the violin. Students will learn the fundamentals of violin, group rehearsals, and live performances.   

For decades, teachers at Just Music School have been teaching music classes for, violin lessons to both children and adults. Our fundamental belief is that the best way for students to gain musical proficiency is through performance. 

Choices the child and adult have

Since Just Music school is reasonably priced- When compared to traditional music lessons, students can develop at a much faster rate when using technology in conjunction with advanced teaching methods. 

We at just music school provide Students with weekly 30-minute, 45-minute, or 60-minute private lessons or groups to learn bow control basics, how to tune and set up their violin, matched grip vs traditional grip and other topics. 

Health and safety of our students

At Just Music School, the safety and health of our students is our prime concern. In this respect, we provide online music classes/lessons. Students who choose to take violin lessons online receive instruction from the same well-known, best curriculum that we use in our school.    All of our violin students have had and will continue to have numerous opportunities to perform! Participate and see for yourself!! 

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