Star on the Rise

JMS presents National Level Singing Competition

Just Music & Sports present to you a platform to discover, showcase and brought to the burning talent which resides in each one of us. Under the theme “Battle of the BEST”

Who will be the next "Star on the rise"

Countless flames are hidden in the horizon to be unraveled, awaiting to be discovered.

Panel of Judges

Amabel Susngi

Choseo Tetseo

Sarahlee Nicholas

Nesakholu Nienu

Show us what you got…!

dare to elevate yourself to be a Star?

Each generation hides it’s own next big thing, let’s keep realising that dream, dare to elevate yourself to be Star on the Rise.

Our Vision

We encourage future artists and uncover the talents by making your dreams come true of becoming a singing star

Judging Criteria

Overall singing proficiency(includes notational accuracy), diction, pitch, rhythm, voice modulation, originality and overall impact.

Amazing Prizes

Winners will receive amazing prizes and also free music classes for a month. Thereby gaining the recognition they deserve as an artist potentially laying path for a successful future.

Our Mission

We help your passion grow

Runner Up

let’s do it.

What are you waiting for?

Hurry up & Register yourself by clicking on BOOK NOW.

Help us grow the community

Dive deep into the music so that it becomes your language and your language becomes a part of someone else.