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We are professionals in your passion

We at JMS provide the best music lessons for everyone, from beginners to experts. We provide equal benefits to all. You will learn directly from our dedicated and experienced experts. The guitar is one of the most popular and versatile instrument any band has to offer. The guitar can be used to play anything from jazz, rock to classical and everything in between. Learning to play a guitar is more approachable than any other instrument when you know the fundamentals. At JMS, we have designed lessons specifically for students that are new to the guitar. You do not need previous knowledge or experience to get started. All of our basics are covered for both acoustic and electric guitar. We have designed online music classes in a way that will help you learn anything you want.

Acoustic Guitar

Rock,Pop, jazz, funk, blues, indie, etc.The recommended instrument for all the people to start with. It is less expensive and need not any outer power source to play. Your hand will be the ultimate control for louder and softer sound

Electric Guitar

Rock,Pop, jazz, funk, blues, indie, etc. We recommend the beginner to go with this for easy access. It is a little bit expensive and need electric powers supply to play. It can be amplified, modified and enhanced as per the user.

Bass Guitar

Rock, Pop, jazz, funk, blues, indie, etc. It is recommended for the established player for new challenges. It is the lowest-pitched guitar of its class and comes at an affordable price. It offers a great tone and style with durable construction.

As for the beginners, so for the experienced:

We provide special attention if you have previous experiences. We will give you an opportunity to move to our special classes, if you are ready for the challenge. Our instructors are all professionals that teach in different styles, genre and are best known for their thorough guidance and skillset. We provide separate lessons for different guitars like Acoustic, Electric and Bass.

We will help you to start with the new machine:

We highly recommend that you start at your own pace. We will help you learn how to play a guitar by going into details of each and every part. From how to hold the guitar, the string numbering systems of the guitar, the function of each part of the guitar, the guitar string names, proper tuning of the guitar, strum the guitar, to how to play your first song.

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